Monday, July 08, 2024

Gimp text antialiasing odd color

 On one of my laptops in Gimp the text has this weird teal color on the anti-aliasing part.  If I turn off anti-aliasing the text color is normal.  

The text itself is white, but because the tint around it is not, it makes the text look not-white.  I tried resetting Gimp to default, this didn't help.  I uninstalled Gimp and tried to delete all files in /home/.config - then rebooted and installed fresh.  This did not seem to help either.

The fix seems to be go to Image > Precision change to 32 bit.  Before it was on 8 bit.  I have no idea how or why.   This was happening on brand new images, not some old / existing image that was set to 8 bit incorrectly.

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