Monday, May 17, 2021

iPhone SE (2020) poor battery life and data spinner always going -- solution

 I've had this new iPhone SE (2020) for a few months now and noticed the battery life seems to drain faster than expected.  Even when I was asleep it seemed the battery would drain fast.  I also noticed the data icon was spinning very often.  I even keep "low power mode" on and battery seems to drain faster than you'd expect.

I tried uninstalling many apps but that didn't seem to change anything.  Then I tried removing the weather widget (and spotify widget) on the home screen.  After that the data spinner is a lot less active.

I think the weather widget was very often causing network activity which was draining the battery slow and steady.

Since I remove the weather widget (and spotify widget) I feel my battery life is more stable now and does not drain as fast.

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hise said...
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